
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expressions

The modal auxiliaries in English are : can, could, had better, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would
Modal auxiliaries generally express a speaker’s attitudes,or  “moods".For example, modals can express that speaker fells something is necessary,advisable,permissible,possible, or probable; and,in addition,they can convey the strength of these attitudes.
Each modal has more than one meaning or use. ( see chart 2-23 )

I                              Can do it
WE                        could do it
YOU                      had better do it
THEY  } + {         may do it
HE                          might do it
SHE                       must do it
IT                           ougt to do it
                                Shall do it
                                Should do it
                                Will do it
                                Would do it
Modals do not take a final –s, even when the subject is he,she, or  it.
CORRECT  : He can do it.
INCORRECT : He cans do it.
Modals are followed immediately by the simple form of a verb.
CORRECT : He can do it
INCORRECT : He can to do it./He can does it./He can did it.
The only exception is Ought, which is followed by an infinitive ( to + the simple form of a verb ).
CORRECT : She ought to go to the meeting.
In (b) is a list of some common expressions whose meaning are similar to those of some of the modal auxiliaries.For example, be able to is similar to can; be going to is similar to will.
An infinitive ( to + the simple form of a verb ) is used in these similar expressions.
MAY I    >  (a) May I (please) borrow your pen?            
COULD I > (b) Could I borrow your pen (please)?
CAN I    > (c) Can I borrow you pen?
May I and Could I are used to request Permission.They are equally polite.* Note in (b): In a polite request, could has a present or future meaning, not a past meaning.
Can I is used informally to request permission,especially if the speaker is talking to someone s/he knows fairly well.Can I is ussualy not considered as polite as may I or Could I.
Often the response to a polite request consist of an action, a nod or shake of the head, or a simple “uh’huh”.
Typical responses: certainly.Yes, certainly.Of course.Yes, Of course.Sure.(Informal)
WOULD YOU > (a) Would you pass the salt(please)?
 WILL YOU     >  (b) Will you (please) pass the salt?
COULD YOU  >  (c) Could you pass the salt?
CAN YOU       >  (d) Can you pass the salt?
The meaning of would you and will you in a polite request is the same.Would you is more common and is often considered more polite.The degree of politeness,however,is often determined by the speaker’s tone of voice.
Basically, could you and would you have the same meaning.The difference is slight:
Would you = Do you want to do this please?
Could you = Do you want to do this please, and is it possible for you to do this?
Could you and would you are equally polite.
Can you is often used informally.It usually sounds less polite than could you or would you.
A person usually responds in the affirmative to a polite request.If a negative response is necessary, a person might begin by saying, “ I’d like to, but …” (e.g., “ I’d like to pass the salt, but I can’t reach it.I’ll ask Tom to pass it to you.”).
TYPICAL RESPONSES: Yes, I’d (I would) be happy to.Yes, I’d be glad to. Certainly.Sure (informal)

Would you mind if Icloused the windows?
Noticein (a): would you mnd if I is followed by the simple past.

Would you mind fI used the phone?
The meaning in(a) =: May I close the windows? Is it all right if close the windows? Will it cause you any troble or discomfort if I close the windos?

Tyoical responses
no. not at all
no, of course not.
no, that would be fine

Another typical resoinses might be “unh-unh”, meaning no.

(c) would you mind closing the window?
(d) excuse me, would you mind repeating that?
notice in (c):would you mind is followed by –ing (a gerund)
the meaning in (c): I don’t want to cause you any trouble, but would you please close the wondow?
would that cause you any inconvenience?
Typical responses
no. I’d be happy to
not at all. I’w be glad to.


a) shut the door
b) be on time
c) don’t shut the door
d) don’t be late
An imperative sentence ha an understood subject (you), and the verb (e,g,shut) is in the simple form. Shut the door = (you shut the door) be on time=(you) be on time.
in the negative, don’t precedes the simple form of the verb
e) turn right at the concern
f) shut the door
g)please shut the door.
shut the door,please
An imperative sentence can be used to give direction, as in (e)
An imperative sentence can be used to give an order, as on (f)
It can also be used to make a polite request, as in (g), when the world please is added

expressing necessity: must, have to, have got to
(a)   All application must take an extrance exam
(b)  All application have to take an extrance
Must and have to both express necessity.

In (a) and (b): It is necessity for every applicant to take an extrance exam. There is no other choice. The exam is required.
(c)   Im loking for sue. I have to talk to her about our lunch date tomorrow. I cant meet her for lunch because I have to go to a business meeting at 1.00.
(d)  Where’s sue? I must talk to her right away. I have an urgent message for her.
In everyday statement of necessity, have to is used more commonly than must. Ust is usually stronger than have to and can indicate urgency or stress importance. In (c): the speaker is simply saying,  “ I need to do this and I need to do that. “in (d): th e speaker os storngaly saying,” this is very important!”
(e)   I have to (hafta) be home by eight
(f)    He has to (hasta) goto a meeting to night
Note: have to Is usully pronounced “hafta”; has to  is usually pronounced “hasta”
(g)   I have got to go now. I have a class in ten minutes
(h)  I have to go now. I have a class in ten minutes
Have got to also express that idea of necessity: (g) and (h) have the same meaning. Have got to is informal and is used primarily In spoken English. Have to is used in both formal and informal English.
(i)    I have got to go (I’ve gotta go/I gotta go)
Usual pronunciation of go to is “gotta” sometimes have is dropped In speec: “I gotta do it”
(j)    Present or future
I have to/have got to/must study to night
(k)  Past: I had to study last night
The idea past necessity is expressed bay had to. There is no other past form for must (when it means necessity) or have got to.

(a)   Tomorrow is holiday. We don’t have to go to class
(b)  I can hear you. You don’t have to shout.
When used in negative, must and have to have different meanings.
Do not have to = lack of necessity.
In (a): it is not necessity  for us to go class tomorrow because there is holiday
(c)   You must not look in the closet. Your birthday present is hidden there.
(d)  You must not tell anyone my secret. Do you promise.
Must not = prohibition (DO NOT DO THIS)
in (c): do not look on the closed. I forbid it.
Looking in the closed is prohibited
Negative contraction: mustn’t. ( the first “t” is not pronounced: “must-ent”
Lack of necessity may also be expessed by need not + the simple form of a verb: you needn’t shout. The used of needn’t as an auxiliary is chiefly british other than when it is used in certain common expression such as “ you needn’t worry”

(a)   You should study harder
You ought to study harder

(b)  Drivers should obey the speed limit
Drivers ought to obey the speed limit
Should and ought to have the same meaning: they express advisability. The meaning rangers in strenght from a suggest (“this Is a good idea”)to a statement about responsibility or duty (this is a very important thing to do) in
(a)   :”this is a good idea. This is my advice
(b)  :”this is an important responbility
(c)   You shouldn’t leave you keys in the car
Negative contraction: shouldn’t
(d)  I ought to (“otta”) study to night, but I think I’ll watch TV instead.
Ought to is sometimes pronounced “otta” in informal speaking.
(e)   The gas tank is almost empty. We had better stop at the next service station
(f)    You had better take care of that cut on your hand soon, or it will get infected.
In meaning, had better is closed to should/ought to, but had better is usually stronger. Often had better implies a warning or a threat of possible bad consequence. In (e): if we don’t stop at a service station, there will be bad result. We will run out of gas.
Notes: had better has a present or future meaning. It is followed by the simple form of a  verb. It is more commomn in speaking than writing.
(g)   You’d better take care of it
(h)  You better take care of it
(i)    You’d better not be late
Contraction” ‘d better, as in (g)
Simetimes in speaking, had is dropped, as in (h)
Negative form:had better + not.

(a)   I had a test this morning. I didn’t do well on the test because I didn’t study for it last night. I should have studied last night.
(b)  You were supposed to be here at 10pm, but you didn’t come until midnight. We were worried about you. You should have called us. (you did not call)
Past form: should have + past participle
In (a): “I should have studied “ means that studing was a good idea, but I didn’t do it. I made a mastake
Usual pronounciation of shoul have:
“should-of “or” shoulda”
(c)   I hurt my back. I should not have carried that heavy box up two flights of stairs. (I carried the box and now I am sorry)
(d)  We went to hthe movir, but it was a bad movie. We wasted our time and money. We should not have gone to the movie.
In (c): “ I should not have carried” means that I carried somethinks, but it turned out to be a bad idea. I made a mistake.

Ussual pronunciation of shoul not have:
“shouldn’t-of “or” shouldn’t’a”

Cinta Merobohkan Akalku

Bismillahirr Rahmanirr Rahim ...

Seorang ahli ibadah bernama Umar, sedang asyik dengan kkhusyuannya membaca setiap ayat Al Quran dengan lantunan sangat indah. Tiba-tiba datanglah seorang wanita cantik duduk di depannya dengan pakaian seadanya tak menutupi auratnya. Dengan sangat terkejut umar lalu beristighfar dan langsung menundukkan pandangannya.

”Saudariku,apa yang kau lakukan disini,tolong keluarlah atau fitnah akan mengguncang kita,” kata umar bergetar.

“Aku tergoda olehmu, aku mencintaimu, aku ingin bermesraan denganmu,apakah kau tak menyukaiku?,” wanita itu mencoba merayu.

”Pergilah, syetan telah merusak jiwamu,” dengan penuh ketegasan umar mengusirnya.

” Tidak wahai umar, aku rusak karna cintamu, aku buta karna cintamu, lihatlah aku yang begitu mencintaimu, menginginkanmu ada dipelukanmu,” wanita itu terus menggodanya.

” Baik, aku ingin bertanya padamu saudariku. Jika engkau membenarkan perkataanku,maka aku mau melakukan apapun yang kau minta,”kata umar

”Jangan tanya lagi, aku pasti akan membenarkan semuanya,”kata wanita itu senang.

-- ”Jika malaikat maut datang menemui dan akan mencabut nyawamu, apakah kau mau jika peristiwa itu datang saat aku sedang memuaskan nafsumu?” umar mulai bertanya.

-- ” Demi Allah,tentu saja tidak!!” Wanita itu terkejut mendengar pertanyaan umar.

-- “Jika kau masuk ke dalam kubur lantas di dudukkan dan ditanya oleh malaikat tentang perbuatanmu, apakah kau senang jika aku memuaskan nafsumu??” umar terus bertanya.

-- ” Demi Allah,tentu saja tidak !!”wanita itu mulai menangis

-- ” Jika manusia diberikan buku amalnya di hari kiamat, sedangkan kau tak tau akan menerima dengan tangan kanan atau tangan kirimu, apakah kau suka jika aku memuaskan nafsumu??”

-- ” Demi Allah,tentu saja tidak !!” kata wanita itu tertunduk

-- ” Jika kau melewati jembatan Shirathal Mustaqim padahal kau belum tau apakah selamat atau tidak, apakah kau masih senang jika aku memuaskan nafsumu??”

-- ” Demi Allah,tentu saja tidak!! cukup wahai umar! ”wanita itu terus menangis.

-- ” Jika kau datang pada timbangan amal, padahal kau belum tahu timbanganmu berat atau ringan,apakah kau masih senang jika aku memuaskan nafsumu?”

-- ” Demi Allah, tentu saja tidak !!”

-- ” Jika engkau berdiri dihadapan Allah untuk ditanya dan dimintai pertanggung jawaban.apakah kau masih senang jika aku memuaskan nafsumu??”

-- “ Demi Allah,tentu saja tidak!!” wanita itu menangis tak tertahan lagi.

” Bertakwalah kepada Allah Ta’ala. Sesungguhnya Allah telah memberimu nikmat kecantikan, tak sepatutnya kau menampakkan kecantikan dan auratmu.” kata umar menenagkan.

” Wahai umar, maafkan lah aku, aku begitu mncintaimu, aku selalu terkagum-kagum dengan ibadahmu, sedangkan aku tak mampu meraihmu, hanya bisa melihatmu dari jauh,” kata wanita itu mencoba menghapus air matanya yang terus mengalir.

”Baiklah,kala engkau mau berubah akan ku bimbing engkau, aku akan menikahimu sekarang juga”

Bergetar umar mengatakan itu, umar ingin beribadah dengannya. Tak mungkin dipungkiri, telah bergetar hati umar dibuatnya.

”Benarkah umar?” terkejut wanita itu mendengar perkataannya.

”Bawa walimu kemari, aku akan menyiapkan mahar dan saksinya,” masih dengan tertunduk malu,umar tersenyum.

”Terimakasih umar,aku akan segera membawa waliku kemari.”

Tangis wanita itu berubah menjadi tangis kebahagiaan. Dia berjanji pada dirinya sendiri akan berubah mengikuti calon suaminya umar.

Pernikahan itu akhirnya terjadi,wanita itu menunggu di rumahnya. Dirinya tak percaya melihat sosok yang ada di cermin di hadapannya, kini wanita yang tadi pagi ingin memuaskan hasratnya pada Umar telah membalut dirinya dengan jilbab. Senyum merekah menghiasai bibir merahnya.

Pamannya telah menjemput untuk mengantarkannya pada Umar, suaminya.. Paman wanita itu terkejut melihat penampilan wanita yang ada di hadapannya sekarang berubah.

”Apa yang membuatmu berubah seperti ini anakku?beruntung sekali Umar mendapatkanmu.” Pamanya bertanya heran

”Tidak paman,aku yang beruntung mendapatkannya,” wanita itu tersenyum senang.

Sampailah wanita itu di rumah Umar,dengan malu-malu Umar menyambutnya. Kini mereka menggenggam erat satu sama lain dalam kehalalan untuk beribadah padaNya.

(Yang di cetak pakai tanda -- di atas saya ambil dari buku “Taman Para Pecinta” (Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyah)


Saudaraku, seandainya kamu adalah pemeran utama dari kisah di atas, apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Mampukah kamu seteguh Umar? Mampukah kamu keluar dari Nafsu yang membelenggu ketika akal sudah dikuasai nafsu? Atau ikut kata pepatah “Mana ada kucing nolak kalau diberi ikan, meskipun itu hanya tulangnya saja”…MasyaAllah…Renungkanlah Saudaraku!

Saudariku, seandainya kamu adalah pemeran utama dari kisah di atas, akal dan hatimu sudah dibutakan oleh cinta yang berbalut nafsu, akankah kamu mampu lepas dari belenggunya walaupun kamu katakan atas nama cinta? Kamu hilangkan kehormatanmu demi cinta yang tak halal? Kamu pupuskan harga dirimu demi cinta yang bernoda? Atau kamu hanya ingin ikuti kata” Demi cinta, akan ku korbankan apa saja demi dirimu kasih”, padahal belum tentu kekasih yang kamu banggakan, mau berkorban untukmu setelah kehormatan dan harga dirimu terenggut.. Masyaallah…Renungkanlah Saudariku!

Pikirkanlah ketika engkau hendak berbuat kemaksiatan, Allah Ta'ala selalu melihatmu.
Pangkal segala maksiat,kelalaian dan syahwat adalah Mengumbar Nafsu.
Sedangkan pangkal dari ketaatan adalah Dikekangnya nafsu.

(Sumber: http//khoirunnisa-syahidah.blogspot.com/2011/09/cinta-merobohkan-akalku.html, dengan sedikit di edit)
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